My TMS sessions are tapering off. There were three treatments last week and this week there will be only two. I feel generally pretty good, although the anxiety is still high. I'm not constantly sad.
I woke up at 3am this morning with my mind racing as usual; just random thoughts, nothing linear or memorable. I just think of 8 million different things at the same time, until I get overwhelmed. Sometimes a thought or idea will come to me and I'll want to remember it. The logical solution would be to write it down, but if I wake enough to write it down, I won't be able to go back to sleep. It's as if I have an intense need to get things out of my head, just in case one of the thoughts is a good idea worth pursuing. The mental faucet is turned on full blast and never really shuts off completely. It's exhausting.
My Ebay sales have slowed down but shopping for inventory has been extremely enjoyable. Having that hobby has been good for me, I think. I can concentrate on something tangible other than my normal scrambled thinking. Housework was accomplished this past weekend, so I feel kind of proud of myself. I "got things done" which is normally not my state of affairs.